What Are the Different Types of Dry Run?

Identify the type of dry run and follow the instructions for each below.

Unit is locked 

  • Check the trip notes to see if there are specific instructions for where to find the keys. 
  • If it is at a 24/7 location with a garage, or at a Home Depot (that is still open), check with the staff for the keys. 
  • If there is no staff, check the dropbox and the hood of the car to see if it is open/unlocked.

No Keys

  • Make sure you have looked in the following places: under all seats, both visors, side door, glove compartment, cup holders, under the hood, gas cap, and the building dropbox, they will need to go back and look in the places they missed. 
  • View trip notes for instructions on where to find keys.
  • Incorrect keys for wrong unit

No Unit

  • Check the trip notes, vehicle pickup notes, or unit numbers or details. 
  • Check for other units with possible transposed unit information that is unlocked with keys. 
  • The requester needs to be contacted to advise if a replacement unit can be taken.

Unit Mechanical Issue

  • If it is a mechanical error, determine if it is something small that can be easily fixed. 
  • If the office or service department is open, discuss with them. 
  • If not, call roadside assistance or ask service to see if it is an easy fix.


  • Take photos of the unit showing that it is a CDL unit.

Location Issue

  • Vehicle not at requested location
    • If location is nearby, go to correct location. If new location does not allow timely drop, dry run.
  • Gate locked- Sometimes the gate will appear locked, tug at the lock and it will pop open.


If the Dry Run cannot be resolved and DRAIVER Support or the requestor has instructed you to Dry Run the pickup, follow this process:

Use the “No Vehicle” button. This is in the VIN scanner section. This will set the VIN to DRYRUN and require the notes field to be populated.

Keep in mind:

No notes and no photos will result in no pay. Please make sure to document everything!