When Will I Receive Trip Availability and Notifications?

You will receive Trip Notifications anytime a DRAIVER client within the market you are physically in sends out a request to be filled.

DRAIVER cannot predict when Trip Transactions will be issued or how many, it completely dependent on the Clients that use the DRAIVER platform. Contacting DRAIVER Support does not increase your chance of receiving opportunities .

If Trip Transactions are available in your area you will receive a notification on your smartphone via the DRAIVER App as long as you have your GPS location services enabled, your smartphone set to allow notifications from DRAIVER, you are in AVAILABLE status and within close proximity of the the starting location (your proximity to the start location is determined by your actual physical location, not your mailing address). 

Remember, Trip Transactions are first come - first served so if you wait to look at the notifications or delay your decision, they can disappear because another driver accepted before you. You do not have to accept a Trip Transactions that do not interest you and there is no penalty if rejected by you, please hit REJECT as this indicates you are actually looking at the trips and keeps you active in the notification system. Please refer to the FAQ section in the Driver Portal for more information about this and many other DRAIVER features. Thank you for choosing to use the DRAIVER App for driving opportunities!

More information about your first trip here